News Stories The latest news from the Assembly of First Nations.
NATIONAL CHIEF PERRY BELLEGARDE BULLETIN – Federal Budget and Comprehensive Claims Funding
March 2019 SUMMARY: The federal budget tabled on March 19 includes a commitment to forgive and reimburse First Nations loans accumulated through the negotiation of comprehensive claims. I advocated for this commitment along with First Nations as a move consistent…
March 2019 Budget 2019 Investment Areas SUMMARY: The federal budget was tabled in the House of Commons on March 19, 2019. Budget 2019 includes 24 measures for Indigenous peoples, totalling approximately $4.7 billion. More than $4.4 billion has been identified for…
National Chief Perry Bellegarde Bulletin – March 2019
Federal Legislation on Indigenous Child Welfare – Bill C-92 SUMMARY: On February 28, 2019 Indigenous Services Canada Minister Seamus O’Regan introduced federal legislation on Indigenous child welfare (Bill C-92) that recognizes First Nations jurisdiction over child and family services. The…
ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS BULLETIN – Tabling of an Act respecting Indigenous languages in the House of Commons
February 2019 Bill C-91: Act respecting Indigenous languages On February 5, 2019, AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde welcomed the tabling of Bill C-91, an Act respecting Indigenous languages. The objective of the Bill, also known as the Indigenous Languages Act,…
National Chief Perry Bellegarde Bulletin December 2018
AFN Special Chiefs Assembly The Assembly of First Nations issues regular updates on work underway at the national office. More information is available at SUMMARY: • The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) held its Special Chiefs Assembly from December…
National Chief Bulletin – Co-Development of Federal Legislation for Indigenous Children and Families
SUMMARY: On November 30, 2018 AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde along with Indigenous Services Canada Minister Jane Philpott and leaders of the Inuit Tapariit Kanatami and Métis Nation announced the intention to co-develop legislation that will benefit First Nations, Inuit…
AFN BULLETIN – Report to First Nations on National Housing and Infrastructure Forum
AFN National Housing and Infrastructure Forum – October 30 to November 1, 2018, Vancouver, BC Summary: The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) hosted its third National Housing and Infrastructure Forum to showcase innovation and further develop the First Nations 10…
AFN BULLETIN – United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement October, 2018
USMCA Breaks New Ground by including Indigenous Peoples After more than a year of discussion on how to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada reached a new trade deal with the United States and Mexico late in the…
AFN BULLETIN – National Policy Forum on Affirming Rights, Title and Jurisdiction
(Gatineau, QC) National Chief Perry Bellegarde convened a successful Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Policy Forum on Affirming First Nations Rights, Title and Jurisdiction on unceded Algonquin territory in Gatineau, Québec on September 11 and 12. More than 500…
AFN Bulletin on Regional Education Agreements for First Nations Education K-12, September 2018
The work and progress in the area of education is guided by direction from the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Chiefs-in-Assembly and the long-standing goal of achieving First Nation control of First Nation Education. AFN resolution 16/2016: Honourable Process to…