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The 2nd National Asset Management Conference & Trade Show (FR)

7 - 9 mars, 2023

À propos An Asset Management Approach to “Closing the Infrastructure Gap”

The 2nd National Asset Management Conference will focus on discussion and updates on progress by First Nations on their work related to Asset Management Planning (AMP); sharing of successful AMP stories; networking and information sharing; and ongoing challenges with the operations and maintenance of assets.

The Conference will provide a forum for networking for First Nations, First Nations organizations and industry partners on current and innovative AMP practices.

Taking this into consideration, the Assembly of First Nations’ (AFN) 2nd National Asset Management Conference theme will be An Asset Management Approach to “Closing the Infrastructure Gap”.

Call for Presenters

The AFN is undertaking a Call for Presenters process with a deadline of January 20, 2023; if you are interested in presenting on a topic related the Conference theme, consult the Call for Presentations PDF.

Who Should Attend

It is expected that the audience will be those interested in improving the ways First Nations asset management planning is understood, managed, and delivered. They will range from:

  • Chiefs and Councils;
  • Public Works Managers;
  • First Nations Asset Managers;
  • Water and Wastewater Operators and Technicians, First Nations organizations;
  • individuals working in the field of asset management and capital planning;
  • technicians; consultants, industry and academia;
  • governmental and non-governmental entities interested in First Nations infrastructure issues.

Conference Overview

All activities will be taking place at the Hilton Lac Leamy, 3 Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, Quebec.

The Conference topics will include:

  • Closing the Infrastructure Gap with First Nations
  • Asset Management Planning
  • First Nations Success Stories
  • Asset Management Training Resources
  • Championing Asset Management Planning within your Organization
  • Climate Change Risks and Adaptations in Infrastructure Planning
  • Enhanced-Asset Condition Reporting System (E-ACRS)
  • Asset Management Software
  • Data Gathering Technologies and Best Practices
  • Determining Operations and Maintenance Costs
  • Risk Management / Contingency Planning

Programme Conference Program

Heure Séance/Activité Lieu Actions

Conference Pre-Registration open


Welcome Reception

Heure Séance/Activité Lieu Actions

Conference Registration open


Trade Show open


Plenaries, Panel Presentations and Workshop Sessions

Heure Séance/Activité Lieu Actions

Conference Registration open


Trade Show open


Plenaries, Panel Presentations and Workshop Sessions

Heure Séance/Activité Lieu Actions

Trade Show


Panel Presentations, Workshop Sessions, Closing Plenary


Comment participer Découvrez comment vous inscrire, comment vous y rendre et où séjourner.



Pre-register now. You could win an iPad Mini!

All delegates who register before February 18, 2023, and attend the conference will be eligible to enter a draw for an iPad mini!

Please register for the Conference at the following links:

Register Online Registration Form (pdf)

Contact Information

If you need assistance registering online, please contact our Registration Coordinator: Tash Cote at [email protected].

For general information on the 2nd National Asset Management Conference and Trade Show, contact us at [email protected].


Indigeno Travel is the preferred travel agency of the AFN. Indigeno Travel is Indigenous-owned and its service comes complete with conference discounts, 24/7 emergency service for unforeseen flight changes, and a dedicated agent for personalized service. Please contact Indigeno, toll-free at 1-888-202-8262, or by email at [email protected] to make your flight arrangements.

Flight Discounts

Air Canada

Please visit to make a booking online using the promotion code FH7M7AD1.

Applicable Rules:

  • The booking is to be made to the following city: Ottawa (YOW), ON
  • The travel period begins February 28, 2023, and ends March 16, 2023.
  • For North America 5% applies on standard fares, 10% on flex fares & higher. For International Travel 10% on standard fares & higher.
  • However, all bookings made using the promotion code will count toward the minimum 10 passenger requirement for Meetings and Conventions events.

Hotel Accommodations

Our host hotel for the Conference is the Hilton Lac Leamy at 3, Boulevard du Casino, Gatineau, Quebec. The room rate is $239/night plus applicable taxes.

Important: Hotels rooms at the conference venue are limited. Please note when making your hotel guestroom reservations there will be a one-night non-refundable charge. We ask for your understanding as this is done to avoid attrition costs for the rooms being held for the host organization.

  • Book your room online
  • To book your room by phone, please call call the Hilton toll free number at 1-866-488-7888 and request group code AMP.

Room rate available only until Friday, February 3, 2023.

Conference Trade Show

Please note that there are a limited number of Trade Show booths available for the Conference. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your asset management- and infrastructure-related products and interact with First Nations leadership from across Canada, technicians, Public Works department staff, other First Nation infrastructure technicians, consultants, Government officials and non-governmental entities and leading members of academia with an interest in First Nation asset management and infrastructure issues.

Note that booths are available on a first come, first served basis based on when the registration forms come in.

For more information or if you have any questions on the Trade Show, please send us an email at .

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

We invite you to become a sponsor of the 2nd National Asset Management Conference and Trade Show; Conference attendees will include First Nations leadership from across Canada, technicians, public works department staff, other First Nations infrastructure technicians, consultants, government officials and non-governmental entities and leading members of academia with an interest in First Nations infrastructure issues. There are a number of sponsorship opportunities and more information can be found in our sponsorship package.