
Language Endangerment Risk Data Source Assessment and Collection


The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is a national advocacy organization that works to advance the collective aspirations of First Nations. The AFN hosts at least two Assemblies each year where mandates and directives for the organization are established through resolutions directed and supported by the First Nations in Assembly (elected Chiefs or proxies from member First Nations). The AFN is also guided by an Executive Committee consisting of an elected National Chief and Regional Chiefs from each province and territory.

The Languages and Learning Sector (the Sector) works with representatives from regions across Canada to advocate on issues of national importance in the revitalization and reclamation of First Nations Languages. The Sector is currently working toward a regional allocation methodology for First Nations Languages funding and requires a researcher to undertake a research plan to validate the data sources used for various weighting factors.


The objective of this research is to ensure the eight factors that have been identified as key to language sustainability through the AFN’s 2022 First Nations Funding Model have the most suitable data sources possible.

In meeting the objective, the researcher will assess the appropriateness of all data sources used to measure factors. Where data sources do not exist or where the researcher does not find the previously identified data sources to be sufficient, the researcher will find or create another data source. This activity may require data collection.


Since 2011, the Department of Canadian Heritage has allocated funding from its Indigenous Languages Component (ILC) program to each region across Canada based on a unilaterally imposed formula. These funds are to be used by regions to support language revitalization and reclamation efforts. This formula has been adjusted over time and prior to the passing of AFN Draft Resolution/2014 First Nations Languages Regional Allocation Formula , funds based on an equal-base amount of $300,000 to all regions along with a supplement based on the number of languages in each region. First Nations do not accept unilaterally imposed decisions from the Government of Canada. As a result, the AFN and its Technical Committee on Languages (TCOL) and Chiefs committee on Languages (CCOL) have convened to consider how to more equitably distribute Canadian Heritage funding.

In 2022, the Assembly of First Nations produced the First Nations Funding Model (the Funding Model). This work was based on earlier costing research that identified the cost of adequately funding First Nations languages in Canada to be minimally $2.0 billion annually. The Funding Model was ratified by First Nations-in-Assembly through AFN Resolution 17/2022, Support for the First Nations Funding Model. Here, eight Factors are considered when assessing the need of any particular First Nations language:

  • Population in a region
  • Language vitality
  • Number of languages
  • Number of First Nations urban centres
  • Mean regional remoteness
  • Learner dispersion
  • Capacity/readiness
  • Disability/special instruction needs

To date, the Sector has worked with the TCOL and CCOL to propose a regional allocation formula to instruct the Department of Canadian Heritage on how to disburse funds from the Indigenous Languages and Culture Program. In this process, only the first five of the above factors have been considered, as only they had been previously identified as have data sources to support measures of each factor. As part of Draft Resolution/2024 First Nations Languages Regional Allocation Formula, ratified by First Nations-in-Assembly in July 2024, the AFN is called to conduct research on these data concerns, as outlined in the fourth Therefore Be it Resolved of the resolution.

Even in the case of the first five factors, members of the TCOL and CCOL have raised concerns over the appropriateness of the data sources being used to measure some factors. To address these concerns, the Sector has committed to a review of all factors and their data sources.

Scope of Work

The successful proponent will work with the AFN to:

Project Requirements

  • Host a project kick-off meeting
  • Develop a project workplan for discussion and review with the AFN project team
  • Create an interim report at the end of the first 12 months of research
  • Draft a final report that (1) evaluates all data sources that currently exist, and (2) presents and justifies any new data sources created
  • Meet with the TCOL and CCOL at least twice to ensure their input is received.

Contractor Qualifications

  • High level expertise in language documentation, revitalization and/or reclamation
  • High level expertise in assurance
  • Experience working directly with First Nations communities
  • Ensure all work is compliant with OCAP® principles.

Project Timeline


Expected Date

Project kick-off meeting

November 2024

Project workplan

November 2024

Assessment of data sources

November 2024-January 2025

Identification and justification of data needs

February 2025-March 2025

Data collection

June 2025-June 2026

Interim Report

September 2025

Implementation of new data sources and Consultations

July 2026- September 2026

Final report

September 2026

Proposal Submission Instructions

All proposals shall be received by the AFN no later than September 20, 2024 at 5:00pm ET.

Only electronic submissions will be accepted, submitted via email as a PDF document to the Acting Director of Languages and Learning. All proposals must clearly identify the name of the proponent and the note “Language Endangerment Risk Data Source Assessment” in the subject line. Proposals may be sent by e-mail to Bram Lerat, Acting Director of Languages and Learning, at [email protected]. Submissions by mail or fax will not be accepted.

Late submissions will not be accepted, without exception.


All proposals should include the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. A summary outlining the background of the proponent’s company, the proposal contents, and any specific exceptions to the stated requirements.
  4. A description of the proponent’s qualifications, capabilities and experience specifically related to the Request for Proposals, including demonstrated experience and qualifications related to OCAP®.
  5. A description of the physical and human resources required to complete the activities outlined in the Request for Proposals, including identification of the project team members, if any, and their roles and experience.
  6. A proposed timeline and methodology that identifies the time and resources required to complete the proposed work.
  7. A cost breakdown for the proposed services, in Canadian dollars and inclusive of HST.
  8. The name, title and contact information for three (3) references that have used the services of the proponent.

Rights of the AFN

The AFN reserves the right to:

  1. Reject any or all proposals received in response to this Request for Proposals;
  2. Enter into negotiation with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of their respective proposals;
  3. Accept any proposal in whole, or in part;
  4. Cancel and/or re-issue the modified version of a given RFP requirement at any time;
  5. Award one or more contracts;
  6. Verify all information provided with respect to a given RFP requirement, including the right to request a confirmation of the bidder’s legal status and signed documentation; and
  7. Award contracts without competition for follow-up work, if any, to the selected bidder for a given project requirement.

Evaluation Criteria

The AFN will select the Proponent(s) which, in the AFN’s sole discretion, best serves the needs of the AFN. The following is a summary of the general considerations that will be used to determine the Proponent(s) that will be selected:

Expertise of firm/organization submitting the proposal, including relevance of the proponent’s experience for the project content


Experience working with First Nations and First Nations organizations


Proposed work plan and approach, including allocation of time to tasks and activities identified in the proposal


Total price associated with proposed tasks and activities


Overall impressions of the proposal

Indigenous organization or individual





The following dates are set forth for informational and planning purposes and may be changed at the AFN’s sole discretion.

RFP released/posted

August 21, 2024

Deadline for proposal submission

September 20, 2024

Completion of proposal evaluations

September 24, 2024

Final selection

September 30, 2024

Expected contract start date

October 14, 2024

Expected contract end date

October 14, 2026

The timetable is tentative only and may be changed by the AFN, in its sole discretion, at any time prior to the Proposal Submission Deadline.

Miscellaneous Provisions


Contractors must provide a firm fixed price, including administrative fees, travel, material costs, translation, printing of draft concepts and HST. The price must include translation of materials and content into French and First Nations languages


Responses to this RFP will be considered as confidential information by the AFN and will be used solely for the purposes of selecting the successful bidder.


Requests for clarification and/or questions regarding this RFP must be received by 5:00pm ET on September 20, 2024 and should be sent by email to Atticus Harrigan, Senior Policy Analyst, Languages and Learning at [email protected]


All on-time proposals will be acknowledged. Only submissions that meet the deadline will be considered. Responses to this RFP must be received by 5:00pm ET on September 20th

Responses must be sent by e-mail to Bram Lerat, Acting Director of Languages and Learning, at [email protected]