

Published: Sep 27, 2024News

TO:  All Chiefs, PTOs, Tribal Councils, AFN Staff
FROM: AFN Resolutions Committee
DATE: September 27, 2024 – 1st notice

RESOLUTION DEADLINE: Friday, October 25, 2024

RESOLUTIONS are the essential mechanism by which First Nations provide specific direction to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN). Resolutions should be national in scope and can: (1) establish a mandate for the AFN; (2) relate to internal matters regarding the operation of the AFN; or (3) support on a particular issue, event, or situation. Please visit for more information on Resolution Procedures.

ADVANCE SUBMISSION OF A RESOLUTION IS REQUIRED. To ensure a more efficient resolution process, advance submission of resolutions is required. The resolution deadline for the December 2024 AFN Special Chiefs Assembly is Friday, October 25, 2024.

WHO CAN SUBMIT A RESOLUTION? The mover and seconder must be either a Chief or a duly mandated Proxy and available to speak to the Resolution at the Assembly. If the mover and seconder are not noted on a resolution submitted for consideration, then the resolution will not be recorded or entered into the process as an official draft resolution for consideration by the Resolutions Committee.

WHAT MUST A RESOLUTION INCLUDE? All resolutions for consideration must meet the criteria outlined below:

  • Includes name and First Nation of mover.
  • Includes name and First Nation of seconder.
  • Has a short but descriptive title.
  • Is national in scope (cannot be purely regional).
  • Is identified as either mandate/directional, organizational or support.
  • Has a timeline or lifespan.
  • Is relevant and strategic.
  • Uses consistent wording (demand, request, direct, etc.).
  • Considers the cost of implementation and available sources of funding.
  • Is clear in its purpose and intent.
  • Is consistent with the powers set out in the AFN Charter.
  • Is not in conflict with previously passed resolutions (or clearly state within the new draft that there is a conflict).
  • Is not in conflict with other draft resolutions that have been submitted.
  • Is no longer than two (2) pages.

A resolution template is attached to this notice to assist you in preparing a resolution.

Please direct all resolution submissions and inquiries to [email protected] or fax 613-241-5808.


2024 Pre-SCA Resolutions Template_EN