News Stories The latest news from the Assembly of First Nations.
National Chief Bulletin – Federal Budget 2017
Federal Budget 2017 Budget 2017 Overview of Funding for Indigenous Peoples and Initiatives Government of Canada Budget 2017: Investments in Indigenous Issues The Liberal government tabled its second federal budget on March 22. This Bulletin provides an initial assessment and…
AFN Special Chiefs Assembly SUMMARY: The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) held its Special Chiefs Assembly from December 4 – 6, 2018, on unceded Algonquin territory in Ottawa, Ontario. Fifty-two resolutions were passed and will be posted on the AFN…
National Chief Bulletin November 16, 2020 – Update on federal engagement for a Bill to advance implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
National Chief Bulletin November 16, 2020 Update on federal engagement for a Bill to advance implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples SUMMARY In early October, the federal Department of Justice (DoJ) initiated an engagement process…
AFN BULLETIN – August 5, 2021 – Lac Seul Wins Supreme Court of Canada Appeal, Decision Sets Precedent for Equitable Compensation
SUMMARY: • Lac Seul First Nation has won an appeal to have damages reviewed for historical flooding on its lands and confirming the Crown’s fiduciary duties to Indigenous peoples. • The Supreme Court of Canada on July 16, 2021 ruled…