News Stories The latest news from the Assembly of First Nations.

Showing 231 to 240 of 371 results

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Statement on Canada’s Purchase of Trans Mountain Pipeline

Published: May 29, 2018NewsRead the Story
(Ottawa, ON) –Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde released the below statement following today’s announcement by the Government of Canada to purchase the Trans Mountain pipeline. National Chief Perry Bellegarde: “Canada committed to honouring the UN Declaration…

AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde Wants Governments to Work with First Nations in Manitoba to Ensure Safety During the Wildfire Emergency

Published: May 24, 2018NewsRead the Story
(Ottawa, ON) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde said today that all governments and emergency service providers must work with First Nations leadership in Manitoba to ensure the safety and security of all those affected by…

National Chief Perry Bellegarde Hails New Approach to First Nations Funding as a Significant Step Towards Stronger First Nations

Published: May 23, 2018NewsRead the Story
May 22, 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde says the move now underway towards ten-year funding grants for First Nations is an important step in building a new, more effective and efficient fiscal…

Assembly of First Nations Marks First National Day of First Nations Fishing Rights

Published: May 21, 2018NewsRead the Story
May 21, 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – First Nations leaders from across Canada marked May 21 this year as the first ever National Day of First Nations Fishing Rights. The day was established through AFN resolution 75/2017, dedicating the first Monday preceding…

First Nations Fishing Rights – Fact Sheet

Published: May 18, 2018NewsRead the Story
NATIONAL DAY OF FIRST NATIONS FISHING RIGHTS – MAY 21, 2018 Fishing is part of First Nations culture and identity. It sustains First Nations peoples and economies and is a constitutionally protected inherent and Treaty right. In the spirit of…

AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde Opening Address to the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly on Federal Legislation

Published: May 03, 2018NewsRead the Story
May 1, 2018 Tawaw kahkiyaw, okimâwak, nâpewak, iskwewak, kêhtêak, oskâyak. Okimaw piyisiw awasis nitisihkason. Miyo kisikaw anoch. Chief Whiteduck, thank you for welcoming us to the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin peoples. To the Elders, Bear Babin and all…

Assembly of First Nations Manitoba Regional Chief Kevin Hart Congratulates Treaty 1 First Nations for Agreement in Principle on Former Kapyong Barracks

Published: Apr 13, 2018NewsRead the Story
April 13, 2018 (Winnipeg, MB) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Manitoba Regional Chief Kevin Hart attended the April 10 announcement of the Agreement in Principle between Treaty 1 First Nations and the Government of Canada for the Kapyong Barracks…

Assembly of First Nations Supports Indigenous-Led Conservation in Canada, Report by Indigenous Circle of Experts Points the Way Forward

Published: Apr 06, 2018NewsRead the Story
(Ottawa, ON) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde, together with Yukon Regional Chief Kluane Adamek, commend the work of the Indigenous Circle of Experts on the release of their report recommending changes in the way conservation…

AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde on World Water Day 2018: “We Must Redouble Our Efforts to End all Drinking Water Advisories by 2021”

Published: Mar 22, 2018NewsRead the Story
March 22, 2018 (Ottawa, ON) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde issued the following statement today on World Water Day 2018 - Nature of Water, marked every year on March 22. “Water is sacred for First…

AFN Says International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination a Time for All Canadians to Commit to National Strategy to Combat Racism

Published: Mar 21, 2018NewsRead the Story
(Ottawa, ON) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde issued the following statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, marked every year on March 21: “Canada is embarking on a new era of…
Showing 231 to 240 of 371 results