
Assembly of First Nations (AFN) – Environment Sector Webinar Series

Nov 07, 2024 - Mar 28, 2025
OnlineOnline (Zoom)
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Important Documents

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About the Event Assembly of First Nations (AFN) - Environment Sector Webinar Series

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Environment Sector is hosting a webinar series from November 7, 2024, to March 20, 2025. The series aims to share information and updates on AFN’s environmental policy issues and activities with First Nations peoples and organizations and collect feedback to inform AFN’s recommendations. These recommendations will be incorporated into advocacy materials, including technical submissions.

The series will cover topics such as the Nature Accountability Act (NAA) and the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP); Environmental Justice (EJ); the Right to a Healthy Environment (RTHE) under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act; Species at Risk (SAR); Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD); the National Climate Strategy (NCS) and the AFN 3rd National Climate Gathering (NCG); and, the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). During each session, AFN will facilitate discussions to identify issues and develop recommendations as well as to present, inform and update on the various subjects.

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Who Should Attend?

  • First Nation Leadership
  • Technicians appointed by First Nations Leadership
  • First Nations
  • Conservation practitioners
  • AFN partners, environmental organizations, human rights organizations, and NGOs

How to Attend Find out how to register.

Webinar Schedule and Registration

This is an online series hosted via Zoom. Register online by visiting the following links:

Segment 1

  • Thursday November 7, 2024, 1-3pm EST“Environmental Justice (EJ)”.

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  • Thursday November 21, 2024, 1-3pm EST“Right to a Healthy Environment (RTHE)”.

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Segment 2

  • Friday, January 31, 2025, 1-3pm ESTConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Conference of the Parties (COP)”.

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  • Friday, February 14, 2025, 1-3pm EST“Outcomes of the 3rd National Climate Gathering (NCG)”.

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  • Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 1-3 pm EDT“National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) & Nature Accountability Act (NAA)”.

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  • Friday, March 21, 2025, 1-3pm EDT“Species at Risk Act, Section 11 and 12 – First Nations opportunities”.

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  • Friday, March 28, 2025, 1-3 pm EDT“Legislative Tools for First Nations to Address Chronic Wasting Disease”.

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Background and Objectives

First Nations have exercised jurisdiction over the use and stewardship of their lands and waters since time immemorial. The imposition of Crown sovereignty and the displacement of First Nations from their lands and waters have limited many First Nations’ capacity to uphold stewardship responsibilities. Despite these challenges, these responsibilities, and the inherent jurisdiction required to fulfill them, persist. First Nations remain actively engaged in the protection and caretaking of their lands and waters in accordance with inherent rights, responsibilities, and Indigenous legal systems.

In recent months several key legislative and policy development opportunities have come forward including Bill S-5 (Amending the Canadian Environmental Protection Act) and Bill C 226 (National Strategy Respecting Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice Act), the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, and the Nature Accountability Bill. These among others have the potential to significantly impact First Nations inherent, treaty and jurisdictional rights and First Nations’ capacity to uphold their relationships to their lands and waters.

Furthermore, the AFN has recently hosted its 3rd National Climate Gathering and will participate in the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) on the Convention for Biological Diversity. The AFN also continues its legal and policy analysis work to advocate for First Nations self-determination and capacity building in environmental conservation and climate action. 

First Nations across Canada are strengthening their capacity to participate in and lead environmental initiatives, regulation and policy. The greater the capacity of First Nations to understand and respond to proposed projects, as interested parties, jurisdictions or co-administrators, the more effective and efficient the process will be. Furthermore, it is the AFN’s mission to advocate for First Nations in Canada, facilitating regional discussions, advocacy efforts and campaigns, legal and policy analysis, and building relationships between First Nations, and governments.

Webinar Objectives:

  • Amplify First Nations’ voices and leadership in setting standards and expectations for federal policy development and amendments.
  • Urge Canada to adopt legislative amendments, regulations and policies to empower First Nations to lead Environmental Justice, Right to a Healthy Environment, National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, Nature Accountability Bill, Species at Risk Act, conservation and climate action.
  • Gather feedback on Government proposals to inform AFN technical submissions.
  • Inform First Nations about AFN research and engagement to advance First Nations interests in political advocacy and policy development.

Reference Engagement Materials

The AFN has prepared background documents to support participation in the webinars. These documents will be posted to this website and emailed to participants in advance of the webinars.

Government of Canada Engagement Materials

Please find below information about the Government of Canada’s materials and engagement timelines. These materials will be referenced during the related webinars.

Related Webinar



Government Engagement Materials


National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) & Nature Accountability Act (NAA)

Canada’s 2030 Nature Strategy

Canada’s 2030 Nature Strategy charts a path for how Canada will implement the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) domestically.

Canada’s 2030 Nature Strategy: Halting and Reversing Biodiversity Loss in Canada


To be tabled at COP16 on the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD), in October 2024

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) & Nature Accountability Act (NAA)

Nature Accountability Act (C-73)

The Bill will establish an accountability framework for the federal government in fulfilling its KMGBF and related CBD commitments at the federal level.

An Act respecting transparency and accountability in relation to certain commitments Canada has made under the Convention on Biological Diversity


To be tabled at COP16 on the Convention for Biological Diversity, in October 2024


National Strategy for Environmental Racism and Advancement of Environmental Justice

National Strategy Respecting Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice Act (C-226)

The strategy will reflect on environmental racism and justice across the Government of Canada.

An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice.

GOC has two years to table the strategy from the day of enactment of Bill C-226 (June 20, 2024)

Right to a Healthy Environment (RTHE)

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 19991

CEPA provides for the assessment of new and existing substances to determine and reduce their potential risk to the environment and human health.

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999




Right to a Healthy Environment (RTHE)

Bill S-5, Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act

The Government of Canada is working on the implementation of the modernized CEPA, which includes recognizing that every individual in Canada has a right to a healthy environment and strengthening Canada’s chemicals management regime.

An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, to make related amendments to the Food and Drugs Act and to repeal the Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Virtual Elimination Act





Right to a Healthy Environment (RTHE)

Discussion Document on the Implementation Framework for a Right to a Healthy Environment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The purpose of this discussion document is to inform the development of an implementation framework (“the framework”) which will set out how a right to a healthy environment in the context of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) will be considered by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and the Minister of Health in the administration of the Act.


The draft framework will be made available for public comment in Fall 2024. This will provide an opportunity for additional input before the framework is finalized by the Ministers of Environment and Health in June 2025

Right to a Healthy Environment (RTHE)

Draft implementation framework for the right to a healthy environment in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

In June 2023, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) was amended and modernized. With these changes, the Government of Canada recognizes, in the preamble, that every individual in Canada has a right to a healthy environment (RTHE) as provided under CEPA. The Government of Canada was given two years to develop a RTHE implementation framework


You may provide your comments on the draft implementation framework until December 4, 2024. The comments will inform the development of the final implementation framework, which will be published in Summer 2025.



Contact Information

For additional information or assistance, please contact the AFN at [email protected].