The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is a national advocacy organization that works to advance the collective aspirations of First Nations on matters of national or international nature and concern. The AFN hosts two Assemblies per year to establish mandates and directives for the organization through resolutions directed and supported by the First Nations-in-Assembly (elected Chiefs or proxies from member First Nations). The AFN is also guided by an Executive Committee consisting of an elected National Chief and Regional Chiefs from each province and territory.
The AFN is seeking proposals from agencies with experience in strategic communications planning, marketing and website development to develop and implement communications, social media and advertising strategies, products and deliverables related to the First Nations Child and Family Services, Jordan’s Principle, and Trout Class Settlement Agreement (FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation) for the harms suffered by First Nations children, youth and families through the First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) Program and narrow application of Jordan’s Principle.
The objective of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to select a Contractor to support the updating and ongoing administration of the AFN’s FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation website ( and to provide strategic communications planning, tools, and tactics to increase awareness and access to the information on the website.
In addition to updating the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation website and supporting its ongoing administration, the Contractor would be responsible for developing a variety of print-ready information materials to mail out to First Nations in a variety of formats and First Nations languages about the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation. The information must be easy to navigate and be accessible by any person, and therefore knowledge translation is a key goal of this work.
Communications efforts will be part of a broader collaborative approach between AFN, Deloitte (the Compensation Administrator), Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), First Nations, and other First Nations organizations. The Contractor will collaborate with the AFN to develop a detailed Communications Plan geared towards specific and measurable outreach goals that aligns with and enhances current communication strategies.
Proposals are due to Yeyatakenhas Doxtator, [email protected] , Director of Social Development, by January 17, 2025, at 5:00 pm ET. Proposals submitted on time will be evaluated using the criteria provided in the ‘Evaluation Criteria’ section by a selection committee within the AFN. The project is expected to begin on February 3, 2025, and last until May 31, 2025.
In February 2007, the AFN and the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (Caring Society) filed a complaint under the Canadian Human Rights Act stating that the Government of Canada discriminated against First Nations children and families by underfunding the FNCFS Program on-reserve and in the Yukon, and by applying a narrow interpretation of Jordan’s Principle.
In 2016, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) found that Canada’s funding of the FNCFS Program on-reserve and in the Yukon and its failure to implement Jordan’s Principle on- and off-reserve were discriminatory. The CHRT ordered Canada to cease it discriminatory policies, procedures and agreements and to prevent the future recurrence of discrimination.
In September 2019, at the request of the AFN, the CHRT ordered the Government of Canada to pay eligible First Nations children and their parents and caregivers $40,000 in compensation. Two class action lawsuits were also filed, including one by the AFN, and another by Moushoom/Trout seeking Canada the pay compensation to those harmed by the FNCFS Program and narrow application of Jordan’s Principle, beyond what the CHRT ordered. In April 2023, the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation Final Settlement Agreement (FSA), valued at over $23.3 billion, was unanimously approved by the First Nations-in-Assembly by way of AFN Resolution 04/2023, Revised Final Settlement Agreement on Compensation for First Nation Children and Families. The FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation FSA was subsequently approved by the CHRT and the Federal Court in 2023. The Federal Court approved the first Claims Process for the Removed Child and Removed Child Family Classes on June 20, 2024. The Parties will continue work on the claims process for the other Classes over the next several months.
Scope of Work
Communications Strategy
The Contractor will utilize the Specific Goals identified in this RFP to create a detailed communications plan based on the AFN’s priorities. The strategy should establish tangible and measurable targets which will be used to evaluate the success of the communication strategy. Utilizing an environmental scan of past and current dissemination strategies and available information on FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation, the Contractor will develop a strategic outreach plan to raise public awareness of the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation settlement.
Website Content Development and Administration
The Contractor will update, re-design and maintain the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation website with accessible content tailored to address the specific informational needs of Claimants (e.g. Linguistic, cultural, demographic, and historical considerations for First Nations). The Contractor must possess comprehensive knowledge and expertise in website development and administration. This includes a proven track record in crafting engaging and user-centric websites that integrate innovative design with seamless functionality, ensuring smooth navigation and impactful storytelling.
Development of Key Messages and Communication Products
The Contractor will compile information on the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation, including implementation and timelines, to develop key messages and communications products. The AFN will oversee and approve created content prior to its dissemination and will assist the selected Contractor with any identified information gaps. Communication products should include, but are not limited to: fact sheets, frequently asked questions, web content, infographics, social media posts, and videos.
The Contractor will be required to develop a communications toolkit to provide information to First Nations about FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation. The toolkit will include resource materials, such as information sheets and other supporting documents.
Specific Goals
- Increase awareness and understanding about FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation among potential users and audience. Special consideration should be given to persons with disabilities, regions with limited internet access, and incarcerated, transient and homeless populations.
- FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation Website redesign and maintenance:
- Conduct a comprehensive assessment of our current website’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Develop a detailed project plan outlining the website redesign process, including milestones and timelines.
- Integrate necessary features such as consent notices, contact forms, social media plugins, and analytics tools.
- Provide clear and concise information on issues relating to FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation, including but not limited to:
- Clarifying key terms and definitions.
- Details on class composition, class sizes, application process, deadlines, etc.
- Timelines for the distribution of FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation and the phased claims approach.
- Ensure the website meets the Accessibility Canada Act guidelines.
- A detailed communications strategy with focused and measurable outcomes, tools and tactics, key messages, timeline, evaluation, and budget.
- Range of communications resource products with creative design concepts, as identified in the communications strategy. For example, fact sheets, informational one-pagers, posters, infographics, digital videos (animated, actors, etc.), social media graphics, booklets or pamphlets, etc.
- Communications Toolkit.
- Mail-out strategy and dissemination to key resource centres (e.g., Band offices, health centres, Friendship Centres, libraries, etc.) and associated budget.
- Website redesign and administration support.
- Performance metrics to measuring the success of website and communication activities.
- Risk Management strategies to identify and overcome specific obstacles that impact the level of engagement with and success of communication activities.
- All final design elements must be provided in text (e.g., Word) format and designed (e.g., PDF, PNG, etc.) versions.
Contractor Qualifications
- Expertise in website development, administration and transition, graphic design, and the development of communication material development including infographics, posters, and social media posts.
- Demonstrated knowledge in research, analyzing and compiling resources, and resource mapping.
- Knowledge of FNCFS Program and the history of the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation and reform.
- Knowledge of Jordan’s Principle and the unique needs of First Nations children.
- Knowledge of First Nations, knowledge translation, and communicating with a wide array of audience members.
- Ensure all work is compliant with OCAP® principles.
Due to the settlement privileged nature of the project, the successful Contractor and any relevant staff will be required to sign and adhere to a non-disclosure agreement, and must abide by the AFN’s confidentiality provisions.
Proposal Submission Instructions
Proposals are to be submitted in the form of an electronic file (PDF) by email to Yeyatakenhas Doxtator, Director of the Social Development Sector, at [email protected].
All proposals must clearly identify the name of the candidate Contractor, and the phrase “Strategic Communications and Website Administration for First Nation Child and Family Services and Jordan’s Principle Compensation” in the email’s subject line. Proposals may be sent by e-mail to Yeyatakenhas Doxtator, Director of Social Development, at [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm ET on January 17, 2025. Submissions by mail or fax will not be accepted.
Proposals that are late or not submitted by email will not be considered, without exception.
Proposal Submission Requirements
- An Executive Summary outlining the proponent’s company’s background information, including the proposal’s contents.
- Qualifications: A description of the proponent and project team’s education and qualifications including training, research, and experiences that relate specifically to communication and social media strategies, especially with First Nations communities, families, and individuals in the FNCFS and Jordan’s Principle Compensation settlement. Additionally, provide a description of the proponent’s knowledge of and experience with OCAP® Principles, and how the proponent embeds OCAP® Principles in their work.
- Project Organization: Composition of the proposed project team, if any, including:
- Project team members;
- Description of the roles of the team members;
- Level of experience of the team members specific to this project;
- The allocation of tasks to individuals, and the number of days needed per individual; and
- Proposed methodology.
- Project timelines and methodology: Identify the length of time required to have the Dedicated Support Line fully redesigned and operational and proposed approach to implementation including a list of deliverables.
- References: at least three (3) references which have used the services of the proponent related to a First Nations and/or Indigenous communications project, with preference for experience relating to class action or settlement communications. References will include the client’s name, title, and contact information.
- Cost Breakdown: The detailed cost breakdown for the proposed services, including the daily (or hourly) rate charged for each person and the days (or hours) and any other associated costs and expenses, including travel, translation, print, postage, web hosting fees, etc. Total cost shall be in Canadian dollars and inclusive of HST.
Rights of the AFN
The AFN reserves the right to:
- Reject any or all proposals received in response to this Request for Proposals;
- Enter into negotiation with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of their respective proposals;
- Accept any proposal in whole or part;
- Cancel and/or re-issue the modified version of a given RFP requirement at any time;
- Award one or more contracts;
- Verify all information provided with respect to a given RFP requirement, including the right to request a confirmation of the bidder’s legal status and signed documentation; and
- Award contracts without competition for follow-up work, if any, to the selected bidder for a given project requirement.
Evaluation Criteria
The AFN will select the Proponent(s) which, in the AFN’s sole discretion, best serves the needs of the AFN. The following is a summary of the general considerations that will be used to determine the Proponent(s) that will be selected:
Expertise of firm/organization submitting the proposal, including relevance of the proponent’s experience for the project content | 20% |
Experience working with First Nations and First Nations organizations | 20% |
Proposed work plan and approach, including allocation of time to tasks and activities identified in the proposal | 20% |
The total price associated with proposed tasks and activities | 20% |
Overall impressions of the proposal | 10% |
Indigenous organizations or individual | 10% |
Description of Deliverables | Due Date |
1. The project will be conducted during the period from February 3, 2025 to May 31, 2025. The timeframe for the project depends in part on the rate at which the Contractor completes tasks and spends project funding. | Dec 16, 2024 |
2. RFP released/posted | Dec 16, 2024 |
3. Deadline for Questions | Jan 14, 2025 |
4. Deadline for proposal submission | Jan 17, 2025 |
5. Completion of proposal evaluations | Jan 27, 2025 |
6. Final selection | Jan 31, 2025 |
7. Expected contract start date | Feb 03, 2025 |
8. Expected contract end date | May 31, 2025 |
9. The timetable is tentative only and may be changed by the AFN, at its sole discretion, at any time before the Proposal Submission Deadline. | Dec 16, 2024 |
Miscellaneous Provisions
Contractors must provide a firm fixed price, including administrative fees, travel, material costs, translation, the printing of draft concepts and HST. The price must include translation of materials and content into French and First Nations languages. This also must include the cost of printing and postage to send materials to First Nations communities. Please note: The AFN will not provide proponents with a budget for this project. Proponents are asked to identify the cost associated with the value of services provided under this project in their proposal.
Responses to this RFP will be considered confidential information by the AFN and will be used solely to select the successful bidder.
Requests for clarification and/or questions regarding this RFP must be received by 5:00 pm ET on January 14, 2025, and should be sent by email to Yeyatakenhas Doxtator, Director of Social Development, at [email protected].
All on-time proposals will be acknowledged. Only those submissions that meet the deadline will be considered. Responses to this RFP must be received January 17, 2025, by 5:00 pm ET. Responses must be sent by e-mail to Yeyatakenhas Doxtator, Director of Social Development, at [email protected].