
Indigenous-Specific, Trauma-informed Training Modules for the AFN

The AFN seeks to develop and implement trauma-informed, Indigenous-specific training focused on eliminating harassment, discrimination, and lateral violence. Grounded in the Panel 13 Report and Resolution 13/2020, these modules will be mandatory for all members of the AFN Secretariat and Executive, including new hires and Chiefs. The project aims to foster a safe, respectful, and inclusive work environment, demonstrating AFN’s commitment to becoming a role model in ending violence and discrimination.


The AFN is a national advocacy organization that works to advance the collective aspirations of First Nations.

The AFN hosts at least two Assemblies each year where mandates and directives for the organization are established through resolutions directed and supported by the First Nations in Assembly, (elected Chiefs or proxies from member First Nations.)

The AFN is also guided by an Executive Committee consisting of an elected National Chief and Regional Chiefs from each province and territory.

The AFN is seeking proposals from qualified consultants or organizations to develop and deliver Indigenous-specific, trauma-informed, and culturally appropriate training modules. These modules will address mandatory onboarding and ongoing training needs. The training will be provided to members of the AFN Secretariat, AFN Executive (including newly hired, appointed, and elected officials), and potentially contractors.

The successful proponent will be responsible for creating or sourcing a suite of training solutions that align with best practices in anti-discrimination and harassment prevention, equity, diversity, and inclusion, cultural humility, emotional intelligence, resilience-building, psychological safety, trauma-informed leadership, and ceremony-based healing.


The objective of this RFP is to select a bidder to provide a high quality of professionalism, integrity and confidentiality in carrying out the work on Indigenous-Specific, Trauma-Informed Training Modules for the AFN. The successful bidder will:

  • Develop AFN-specific and Indigenous-focused training modules that respond to all forms of harassment, discrimination, bullying, and violence (particularly Indigenous lateral violence).
  • Ensure mandatory onboarding and annual refresher training is provided to the entire AFN Secretariat and Executive, including new hires, political appointees, and Chiefs.
  • Incorporate trauma-informed principles and practices to promote healing, resilience, and cultural humility within AFN workplaces and events.

Through these training initiatives, the AFN aims to build an inclusive environment that is safe, respectful, and free from all forms of violence and discrimination.


About Resolution 13/2020

The Panel 13 Report originated from Resolution 13/2020, Becoming A Role Model in Ending Sexual Orientation and Gender-Based Discrimination Within the Assembly of First Nations, which was passed by First Nations-in-Assembly at the AFN Annual General Assembly (AGA) in December 2020. This resolution mandated the creation of an independent, three-member panel tasked with investigating systemic gender- and sexual orientation-based discrimination within the organization and recommending actionable steps to end all forms of violence, including sexualized violence, bullying, and lateral violence.

Panel 13 Report

The Panel 13 Report is the culmination of the panel’s in-depth investigation and consultations. It contains a comprehensive set of directives tailored to address and prevent various forms of harassment, discrimination, and violence at the AFN. A key outcome of the report was the recommendation to develop Indigenous-specific, trauma-informed training initiatives that would form the foundation of an inclusive and respectful organizational culture—one that supports the mental wellness and safety of all members of the AFN Secretariat and Executive.

Training Directives

Among its recommendations, the Panel 13 Report specifically called for:

  • Mandatory Onboarding Training: Expanded to include critical topics such as anti-discrimination, harassment prevention, cultural humility, emotional intelligence, psychological safety, and trauma-informed leadership, if applicable.
  • Annual Refresher Training: Required for all Secretariat members, the Executive, and newly hired or appointed staff to keep the AFN accountable and informed about best practices in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Indigenous-Centric Modules: Emphasizing cultural humility, resilience, and ceremony as pathways to healing from trauma, while acknowledging the impact of intergenerational and institutional traumas on AFN leadership and staff.

Existing AFN Training Context

  • Currently, five mandatory onboarding trainings exist for AFN Secretariat staff, including Workplace Violence and Harassment, Respect in the Workplace, Occupational Health and Safety Awareness, Human Rights Canada Training, and COVID-19 Employee Health and Safety Training.
  • The Panel 13 Report emphasizes expanding these modules to include Indigenous-specific approaches to equity, diversity, inclusion, and ongoing mental wellness and trauma-informed approaches.

Key Focus Areas (as per Panel 13 Report)

  • Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Training
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) with an emphasis on 2SLGBTQQIA+ perspectives
  • Pronoun Training and Inclusiveness
  • Cultural Humility, Emotional Intelligence, and Building Resilience
  • Psychological Safety
  • Trauma-Informed Leadership and Governance
  • Healing Complex PTSD, Intergenerational Trauma, and Institutional Trauma Through Ceremony

This RFP seeks a qualified provider to develop and deliver the Indigenous-specific, trauma-informed training solutions recommended in the Panel 13 Report, both immediately and o an ongoing basis. By implementing these tailored modules, the AFN aims to uphold its commitment to becoming a role model in ending all forms of gender- and sexual orientation-based discrimination, while building a workplace rooted in respect, safety, and cultural integrity.

Proposal Submission Instructions

Proposals must be received no later than January 31, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST. Late submissions may not be considered.

Electronic submissions in PDF format are preferred.

Please email proposals to [email protected], with the subject line: “Panel 13 Training Modules RFP – AFN.”

Proponents will receive an email confirming their proposal submission.

Any questions or clarifications regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing to Danielle Baker at [email protected] by January 27, 2025, at 5:00 PM EST. Answers will be shared with all known proponents.

Individuals shall indicate whether they identify as Indigenous and what Indigenous community acknowledges their membership. Corporate entities shall do the same for the ownership of the entity and for those who will conduct the work.

Late submissions will not be accepted.

Proposal Submission Requirements

Proposals should include the following components:

  1. Cover Letter
    • Brief introduction, organization background, and signed by an authorized representative.
  2. Executive Summary
    • High-level overview of how you plan to meet or exceed the requirements of the Panel 13 Report.
  3. Project Approach & Methodology
    • Description of your approach to developing Indigenous-specific, trauma-informed training modules.
    • Explanation of how cultural humility, emotional intelligence, and resilience will be integrated.
    • Outline of tools, platforms, or resources you plan to utilize.
  4. Scope of Services
    • Detailing how each of the following training categories will be addressed:
      1. Anti-discrimination and harassment (including lateral violence and unconscious bias).
      2. Equity, diversity, inclusion (with 2SLGBTQQIA+ perspective).
      3. Pronoun inclusiveness.
      4. Cultural humility, emotional intelligence, resilience.
      5. Psychological safety, trauma-informed leadership.
      6. Healing complex PTSD, intergenerational, and institutional trauma (including ceremony).
      7. Indicate how the training will be tailored for orientation, onboarding, annual refreshers, and executive-specific contexts.
  1. Work Plan & Deliverables
    • Proposed work plan with clear milestones, timelines, and deliverables.
    • Explanation of how mandatory onboarding modules will be rolled out, tracked, and evaluated.
  2. Project Team & Experience
    • Qualifications, credentials, and relevant experience of key personnel.
    • Experience working with Indigenous organizations or communities.
    • Demonstrated expertise in designing trauma-informed and culturally relevant training.
  3. Budget & Cost Breakdown
    • Detailed budget, including professional fees, travel (if applicable), materials, technology, and all other related expenses.
    • Proposed payment schedule tied to milestones and deliverables.
  4. References & Past Work
    • Provide one or two references, if possible, from similar projects.
    • Samples or summaries of prior Indigenous or trauma-informed training initiatives, if available.

Rights of the AFN

The AFN reserves the right to:

  1. Reject any or all proposals received in response to this Request for Proposals.
  2. Enter into negotiation with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of their respective proposals.
  3. Accept any proposal in whole, or in part.
  4. Cancel and/or re-issue the modified version of a given RFP requirement at any time.
  5. Award one or more contracts.
  6. Verify all information provided with respect to a given RFP requirement, including the right to request confirmation of the bidder’s legal status and signed documentation.

Award contracts without competition for follow-up work, if any, to the selected bidder for a given project requirement.

Evaluation Criteria

The AFN will select the Proponent(s) which, in the AFN’s sole discretion, best serves the needs of the AFN. The following is a summary of the general considerations that will be used to determine the Proponent(s) that will be selected:

Overall Experience and Demonstrated Results 20%
Budget Approach and Cost Effectiveness 20%
Terms and Conditions 10%
Indigenous Organization / Individual 10%
Strategic Thinking and Planning Approach 40%
Total 100%


Description of Deliverables Due Date

1. Project Kick-Off & Contract Signing

    • Formal kickoff meeting between AFN and the successful proponent.
    • Review scope, timeline, and deliverables.
Mar 01, 2025

2. Needs Assessment & Preliminary Workplan

    • Consultations with key AFN collaborators.
    • Identify specific training needs, desired learning outcomes, and cultural context.
Mar 15, 2025

3. Draft Training Framework & Outline

    • Provide a high-level framework covering training modules: Anti-discrimination, EDI, trauma-informed leadership, ceremony integration, etc.
    • Include structure, learning objectives, delivery methods, and proposed timelines.
Apr 15, 2025

4. AFN Review & Feedback

    • AFN reviews the draft outline.
    • Written feedback or consultation sessions to refine approach.
Apr 30, 2025

5. Pilot Module Development – Develop pilot-ready modules based on approved outline.

    • Include culturally appropriate content and trauma-informed best practices.
May 31, 2025

6. Pilot Delivery & Evaluation – Facilitate a pilot training session (in-person or virtual) with a small group (Secretariat, Executive representatives).

    • Collect participant feedback and revise modules as needed.
Jun 15, 2025

7. Full Program Development

    • Incorporate feedback from pilot sessions into final modules.
    • Complete all module content, supporting materials, handouts, etc.
Jul 15, 2025

8. Final Submission of Training Materials

    • Submit finalized training modules, slide decks, facilitator guides, participant materials, and e-learning content (if applicable).
Jul 31, 2025

9. Roll-Out & Implementation

    • Deploy the training program to the Secretariat, Executive, new hires, and newly appointed or elected officials.
    • Establish annual refresh schedules and integrate modules into AFN onboarding.
Aug 01, 2025

10. Post-Implementation Assessment & Report

    • Gather participant feedback and assess program impact. Provide a final report on training effectiveness, recommended improvements, and next steps.
Oct 25, 2025
Notes & Flexibility  
1. Timeline Adjustments: All dates are tentative and subject to final negotiation and approval by AFN.  
2. Ongoing Communication: Regular monthly check-ins should be scheduled between the proponent and the AFN to track progress, address challenges, and ensure alignment with objectives.  
3. Annual Refreshers: Beyond this project’s scope, the proponent may be asked to advise on or facilitate annual refresher training sessions  

Miscellaneous Provisions

Contact Information

  1. Proposal Validity
    • Proposals must remain valid for 90 days from the submission deadline.
  2. Rights & Confidentiality
    • The AFN reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, accept any proposal deemed to be in its best interest, or waive any irregularities in any proposal.
    • Responses to this RFP will be considered as confidential information by the AFN and will be used solely for the purposes of selecting the successful bidder.
  3. Costs Incurred
    • All costs related to proposal preparation and presentation are the responsibility of the proponent.
    • Costs pertaining to the retention of additional services to facilitate on-line voting (should this be necessary) do not need to be included. AFN will evaluate proposed systems and related costs in a separate process, with recommendations from the successful bidder.
  4. Ownership & Intellectual Property
    • All materials, methodologies, or deliverables produced under contract shall become the property of the AFN, unless otherwise specified in writing.
  5. Contract Award
    • Negotiations on scope, timelines, and fees may be conducted with one or more proponents prior to awarding the contract.
    • The final award is contingent on the successful completion of these negotiations and execution of a definitive agreement.
  6. Price
    • Contractors must provide a firm fixed price, including administrative fees, travel, material costs, translation, printing of draft concepts and HST.
  1. Clarification/Questions
    • Requests for clarification and/or questions regarding this RFP should be directed to:

Danielle Baker
Director, Human Resources
Assembly of First Nations
50 O’Connor Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1P 6L2

Telephone: +1 (613) 241-6789

Facsimile: +1 (613) 241-5808

Electronic Mail: [email protected]

  1. Responses/ Submission
    • Only those submissions that meet the deadline will be considered.
    • Responses to this RFP must be received by 5:00 PM EST on January 31, 2025.
    • Responses must be sent by email to:

Danielle Baker
Director, Human Resources
Assembly of First Nations
50 O’Connor Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1P 6L2
Electronic Mail: [email protected]