
Impact Assessment Webinar Series

Aug 27, 2024 - Sep 24, 2024
OnlineOnline (Zoom)
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Important Documents

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About the Event Impact Assessment Webinar

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Environment Sector is hosting a webinar series from August 27, 2024, to September 24, 2024, on various impact assessment policy issues to share information with First Nations and First Nation organizations and collect feedback to inform AFN’s recommendations. These recommendations will be incorporated into advocacy materials, including technical submissions

The series will cover topics such as the federal impact assessment “Project List,” requirements for impact assessment on federal lands (including reserves and certain protected areas), and Indigenous Co-Administration of impact and regional assessments. During each session, representatives from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) will present proposals contained within engagement materials listed below and AFN will facilitate discussion to identify issues and develop recommendations.

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Who Should Attend?

  • First Nation Leadership
  • Technicians appointed by First Nations Leadership

How to Attend Find out how to register.

Webinar Schedule and Registration

This is an online series hosted via Zoom. Register online by visiting the following links:

  • Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 1-3pm EST – “Introduction to Webinar Series, Background, and Discussion”.

Registration link:

Registration link:

  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 1-3pm EST – “Enabling Indigenous Co-Administration of Federal Impact Assessment”.

Registration link:

  • Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 1-3pm EST – “What We Heard and Discussion”.

Registration link:

Background and Objectives

First Nations have exercised jurisdiction over the use and stewardship their lands and waters since time immemorial. The imposition of Crown sovereignty and the displacement of First Nations from their lands and waters have limited many First Nations’ capacity to uphold stewardship responsibilities. Despite these challenges, these responsibilities and the Inherent jurisdiction required to fulfill them, persist. First Nations remain actively engaged in the protection and caretaking their lands and waters in accordance with Inherent rights, responsibilities, and Indigenous legal systems.

The Impact Assessment Act (IAA or the Act) became law on June 21, 2019, replacing the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012) and establishing a new process to assess the impacts of major projects on matters falling within “federal jurisdiction.” First Nations overwhelmingly participated in parliamentary and other forms of advocacy related to Bill C-69, An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, demonstrating the importance of this legislation for First Nations.

First Nations across Canada are strengthening their capacity to participate in and lead impact assessments. The greater the capacity of First Nations to understand and respond to proposed projects, as interested parties, jurisdictions or co-administrators of the IAA, the more effective and efficient the regulatory process will be. Current deficiencies in the internal capacity of many First Nations places a significant strain on First Nations, project proponents and regulators because it is harder for First Nations to do the work necessary to evaluate whether a project should receive their free, prior and informed consent.

The AFN’s work on impact assessment policy and regulation is directed by Resolutions 69/2018, First Nations Fully, Direct, and Unfettered Participation in Bill C-69 including Regulatory and Policy Co-Development, and 06/2019, Respecting First Nations Inherent and Constitutionally Protected Rights in the Project List for the Impact Assessment Act.

Webinar Objectives:

  • Amplify First Nations’ voices and leadership in setting standards and expectations for federal impact assessment.
  • Urge Canada to adopt legislative amendments, regulation and policy to empower First Nations to lead and co-administer impact assessment.
  • Facilitate discussions between IAAC and First Nations on proposals to implement aspects of the federal impact assessment regime.
  • Gather feedback on Government proposals to inform AFN technical submissions.


The AFN has prepared background documents to support participation in the webinars. These documents will be posted to this website and emailed to participants in advance of the webinars.

IAAC Engagement Materials

Please find below information about the IAAC’s materials and engagement timelines. These materials will be referenced throughout the webinar series.



Government Engagement Materials


5 Year Review of the Physical Activities Regulation (Project List)

Review of Project List regulation that sets out list of designated projects (categories and thresholds) that require federal assessment.

Discussion Paper on the review of the Physical Activities Regulations


Comment period open July 30 – September 27, 2024 (2 months).

Gazette of draft amended regulation expected Spring/Summer 2024 (TBD).


Designated Classes of Projects Order (Ministerial Exemption Order)

Proposed changes to list of projects on federal lands, including reserves, that require impact assessment

Comment on Designated Classes of Projects Overview:

Draft regulation in Canada Gazette I:

Comment period open July 27 – October 10, 2025 (75 days)

Indigenous Impact Assessment Co-Administration Agreements

Proposed regulatory and policy framework to enable the negotiation of agreements to allow Indigenous jurisdictions to exercise powers of federal impact assessment

Discussion Paper on Indigenous Impact Assessment Co-Administration Agreements:

Comment period open July 30 – October 28, 2024 (3 months)


Important Documents

  1. Save the Date
  2. Agendas
  3. Slide Decks
  4. Backgrounders
  5. Resolution 69/2018
  6. Resolution 06/2019

Contact Information

For additional information or assistance, please contact the AFN at [email protected].