News Stories The latest news from the Assembly of First Nations.
AFN BULLETIN – August 2018
Update on 2018 AFN Annual General Assembly And Election for National Chief Assembly of First Nations Annual General Assembly and Election for National Chief - July 24 to 26, 2018 The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) hosted the 39th Annual General…
Technical Bulletin – Planning for a Distinct First Nations Labour Market Strategy
June 2018 This Bulletin is an update from the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) on planning for a Distinct First Nations Labour Market Strategy. Planning for a Distinct First Nations Labour Market Strategy In keeping with First Nations objectives to…
AFN BULLETIN – UPDATE: First Nations Education May 2018
First Nations Control of First Nations Education The work and progress in the area of education is guided by direction from Chiefs-in-Assembly and the long-standing goal of achieving First Nations control of First Nations Education. First Nations control of First Nations Education…

April 2018 – National Chief Perry Bellegarde Bulletin
DetermiNATION: Moving Beyond the Indian Act Conference Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler has announced the determiNATION: Moving Beyond the Indian Act conference, the first-ever Indigenous-led summit that will bring together leaders to create a plan for moving…

AFN BULLETIN – Meeting on AFN-Canada Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Priorities
April 2018 The third meeting under the AFN-Canada Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Joint Priorities took place March 26, 2018. The MOU calls for regular meetings to discuss key issues and assess progress on shared priorities and is not a…
AFN BULLETIN – 2018 Federal Budget
February 2018 Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau delivered the federal budget speech in the House of Commons on February 27, 2018. The federal budget reflects the priorities and future direction of the federal government. For this reason, National Chief Perry…

NATIONAL CHIEF PERRY BELLEGARDE BULLETIN – Emergency Meeting on First Nations, Inuit and Métis Child and Family Services
January 30, 2018 First Nations, Inuit and Métis, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Governments Meeting on Child Welfare Reform On January 25 and 26, First Nations leaders, Elders and child welfare experts and advocates gathered with Métis and Inuit leadership and…

AFN BULLETIN – Report on the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly December 2017
AFN Special Chiefs Assembly December 5-7, Ottawa, Ontario Almost 1,500 Chiefs, Elders, youth and other delegates attended the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly (SCA) in Ottawa, Ontario held December 5 - 7. First Nations gathered under the theme “Our Languages, Our…
NATIONAL CHIEF BULLETIN – AFN-Canada Memorandum of Understanding Meeting on Joint Priorities and UN Declaration Update
On November 20th, a delegation that included members of the AFN Executive, First Nations Chiefs, regional leadership, Elders and myself met with federal cabinet ministers to discuss joint priorities. This meeting occurred under the AFN-Canada MOU on Joint Priorities, which…
AFN BULLETIN – November 2017
Update on First Nations Education The Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs Assembly (SCA) is taking place December 5-7 in Ottawa, Ontario. The SCA will feature discussion and dialogue around a number of issues, including First Nations education and our…