Uplifting First Nations rights and priorities in federal climate policy and programming.


The 2023 JCCA Annual Report

Delve into our actions, achievements, and the roadmap for enhancing First Nations' role in global climate leadership.

Read the Annual Report

Our Work Uplifting First Nations climate leadership from coast to coast to coast.

First Nations face unique climate risks because of how colonialism, in conjunction with capitalism, has shaped where we live, our socio-economic conditions, and how we exercise our relationships with Mother Earth. These experiences, and interconnections, cannot be overlooked when contemplating climate related solutions for (or by) First Nations. 

As a result, the First-Nations-In-Assembly mandated the formation of the Joint Committee on Climate Action (JCCA) by way of Resolution in 2021.

Read the Resolution

The JCCA has served as a unique forum where First Nations representatives and federal officials come together to discuss the inclusion of First Nations in federal climate policy and programming. Since 2017, both the Assembly of First Nations and the Government of Canada demonstrate their continued commitment to partnership-driven climate action and solutions, where First Nations are recognized and empowered as leaders of climate action. The JCCA is a channel to provide First Nations with a direct link to obtain information and provide input on federal climate policy. 

A key priority for the JCCA is the participation of First Nations in climate oriented actions and decision-making and striving towards the implementation of the federal climate policy, including the Pan-Canadian Framework on clean Growth and Climate Change, A Healthy Environment and A Healthy Economy, and the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Clean Air, Strong Economy. It advances the full inclusion of First Nations knowledge and priorities, as well as the recognition of First Nations systems of governance in every step of federal climate policy and programming.

Long-Term Objectives Our path forward: setting strategic goals for the committee.

In 2023, Our Path Forward for the JCCA identifies priority areas for the long-term objectives of the charting five specific priorities:


Accelerate First Nations’ full and effective participation in clean growth and climate change programs, including in the National Adaptation Strategy.

Advance the development of First Nations Climate Leadership through meaningful dialogue with First Nations.

Monitor and evaluate progress on First Nations Climate Leadership and the full and effective participation of First Nations in climate change programs.

Develop new communication tools, including a stand-alone website, to improve transparency, accountability, and engagement throughout JCCA activities

Embed an intergenerational and intersectional dialogue on climate change in all JCCA activities.

More information on our path forward progress can be found in our recent 2022 Annual Report (2023 Annual Report coming soon).

Activities Uplifting First Nations climate leadership from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

JCCA Activities Overview

The Joint Committee is a bilateral mechanism for engagement and partnership between the Government of Canada and the AFN on the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change and broader climate change priorities. Since 2017, the JCCA has served as a unique forum where First Nations representatives and federal officials come together to discuss the inclusion of First Nations in federal climate policy and programming. Building on the momentum from 2020, the JCCA continued to advance approaches to operationalize the contributions of First Nations climate leadership in Canada’s climate policy.

This work involves expanding on the First Nations Climate Lens to highlight the interconnections between decarbonization, decolonization, and First Nations self-determination.

Through the JCCA, both the Assembly of First Nations and the Government of Canada demonstrate their continued commitment to partnership-driven climate solutions, where First Nations are recognized and empowered as leaders of climate action.

First Nations Climate Leadership Agenda

As 2021 began, the JCCA picked up on the substantial work completed in 2020 and focused on developing an agenda for climate action and a framework for collaboration, hereafter referred to as the First Nations Climate Leadership Agenda (FNCL Agenda). Based on discussions at the JCCA, the FNCL Agenda will provide a roadmap, consisting of recommendations, policy directions, and concrete deliverables, to ensure that federal climate policy is respectful, empowers, and ensures appropriate support for First Nations contextualized under the Indigenous Climate Leadership Initiative. 

More information on this initiative can be found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/indigenous-partnership.html

Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan

The work of the JCCA is further guided by Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan, which must respect and uphold First Nations’ self-determination, jurisdiction, rights, and titles as we collectively strive to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.   

More information on Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan can be found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment/weather/climatechange/climate-plan/climate-plan-overview/emissions-reduction-2030.html

National Adaptation Strategy

JCCA has been working to include First Nations targets and indicators in the development of Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy. 

More information on the strategy can be found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment/weather/climatechange/climate-plan/national-adaptation-strategy.html

JCCA Annual Reports

Each Year, the JCCA reports on its progress to the National Chief and the Prime Minister of Canada through annual reports. Please choose a report below for more information: 

Annual Reports

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